Friday 17 June 2016

Keep Construct arena markers and health bar


It's been a while since the last update, I've been quite busy. With the new raid wing out it's time to look at TacO again, so I present to you markers and health bar markings for the first boss.

Directional markers and markers for the green stacking points have been added. The health bar is now also marked at 66% and 33% for the small orb phases.

You can grab the new build here.

Expect more updates as my guild progresses through the new wing.

Change log:

  • Added Keep Construct arena markers and health bar notches
  • Fixed a bug where a white line would extend further down than intended in the map timer window sometimes


  1. Hello, Great job! I really love this overlay! However, I have a problem with the HP marks, its always like this

    My resolution is 1920*1080 (windowed fullscreen), I use normal interface size and i have normal size set in TACO. Is there any fix for this? Thanks!

    1. Go into the TacO menu and change the interface size option to match the one you have set in GW2.

    2. As i said, i have set normal size both in TACO and in GW2. I have tried small-small, large-large, but the HP grid is always offset

    3. Please send a fullscreen screenshot of this.

  2. Here all full screenshots for every possible size of interface: It is doing this thing on every other boss with HP grid (sloth,gorse etc..), so thats why I am currently not using this feature.

    1. That is very odd. The only thing I can think of is that you have some sort of DPI scaling enabled in windows maybe? If you go into the windows properties of the taco exe and in the compatibility settings check the "disable display scaling on high DPI settings" checkbox, does that change anything?

    2. Well, that fixed it completely! I just checked all bosses and the grid is right where it shoul be :) Thanks for help! Although its odd, i never had any problem like this with overlay (in other games) before :D

  3. Hey BoyC, just wanted to say thanks again for your overlay. I finally got around to trying raids and the HP indicators and counters for Sabetha/Matthias are extremely helpful.

  4. Hey BoyC, love this tool! Any possibility of implementing the Teamspeak overlay to only show people currently speaking/recently spoken? I have an problem where in very populated TS3 channels (50-100), I'm unable to see who is speaking because some names don't fit in the overlay window. Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks!

    1. That's a cool idea, I'll put it on the todo list
