Tuesday 29 December 2015

FAQ and Troubleshooter

Common problems

  • I can see the TacO icon and/or the Map Timer, but the icon won't do anything when I click on it, and doesn't highlight when the mouse is over it.
    • This can happen if GW2 TacO is running with lower privileges than GW2 itself. In this case the mouse input won't get transmitted to the application with the higher privileges. You most likely have GW2 running in admin mode (either you started it from an application that already had admin mode, or for other reasons like running Reshade) and GW2 TacO not. In this case running GW2 TacO in admin mode should fix the problem.
    • (Added a popup message to warn of this)
  • I can see the TacO icon and/or the Map Timer, but the rest of the screen is black and I can't play.
    • This can happen if you have the transparency effects turned off in Windows 7, probably because you're using the classic theme for Windows. Turning on Aero should fix the problem.
    • If you get this on Windows 8 or above on any TacO version above 008.513r please send me a dxdiag log so I can narrow down the problem.
    • Make sure you have the latest drivers installed for your GFX card, some people have reported the issue fixed with a driver update.
    • Make sure any driver related postprocesses (FXAA for example) are disabled for TacO. Those might fill the alpha channel with a fully opaque value and thus make TacO non-transparent.
  • I have GW2 running but I don't see the TacO icon in the top left or the Map Timer.
    • Check to see if you're running GW2 in fullscreen mode. Fullscreen mode is not supported by GW2 TacO as supporting that would mean entering a grey area that'd technically be against the game EULA. Run the game in Windowed or Fullscreen Windowed mode.
    • If you're not running the game in Fullscreen mode and still don't see anything, please contact me so I can debug the issue.
  • Everything works fine, but the TacO is over my PvP icon
    • Restarting TacO with the -forcedpiaware command line option should do the trick. That, or turn on DPI awareness in GW2.
  • How can I disable all the markers?
    • Click the TacO icon and untag the option that says "Tactical Overlay"
  • How can I disable some of the markers?
    • Click the TacO icon and from the very first menu you can toggle which types of markers you want displayed or not. You can click on higher level items in the menu to disable/enable everything below those elements.
  • I accidentally placed a marker with '+', how do I remove it?
    • Walk up to the marker and press '-'
  • Accented characters I type aren't working in GW2 when TacO is running.
    • This is a known issue. The way TacO acquires keyboard events (through what is called a low level keyboard hook) interferes with the pre-casting of accents that some keyboard layouts have. If this is bothering you to the point of not wanting to use the overlay I can put in an option to turn the keyboard handling off temporarily, let me know, but this request hasn't come up yet.
  • TacO doesn't keep my settings after I quit, and I need to set up everything all over again on each run.
    • This happens when TacO is put in a folder where it doesn't have write permissions without admin rights. Usually the cause of this is that you put TacO right next to GW2 inside the Program Files folder, which is something that requires elevated user rights for write access. Put TacO in a folder where it's certain to have write rights (the Desktop is a good solution for this), and the issue should be solved.
  • TacO works, but I don't see all the resource nodes in the game
    • TacO is only a platform, the information of where the nodes are is created by players since it takes a massive amount of work to mark everything. You can look around for marker packs that might have the information you're looking for, or help the community by creating your own and sharing it with others.
  • TacO behaves oddly when I use multiple GW2 accounts at once on the same PC
    • UPDATE: Since Build 43 TacO supports multiboxing. Launchbuddy now has native support for TacO to make setting this up easy.


  • Is it possible to update TacO without loosing my settings?
    • Yes. Local settings are stored in the TacOConfig.xml and the Activationdata.xml files. None of these files are distributed in the release packages, you can simply overwrite your previous install with the new version. The only exception is if you edited some of the other files by hand, obviously.
  • Will using this get me banned?
    • Arenanet hasn't responded in any capacity to GW2 TacO yet, but they have made statements before that suggest that using it is ok. In particular they have said before, that using overlays is fine.
    • I intentionally avoid doing anything that even gets near the grey area of what could be deemed as a breach of the EULA. The camera information that is required to render the markers is acquired through the official Mumble Link API. Everything else displayed is user supplied content that is based on storing locations acquired manually from the data that the Mumble Link supplies. The overlay doesn't interact with the game in any other manner, it's simply a transparent window hovering above GW2. An example of something in the grey area (that I avoided implementing on purpose to stay away from even the grey area) would be making the overlay work in normal full-screen mode. This basically requires injecting code in the game, and is done by other overlays (anything that messes with shaders goes at least this far) or even Overwolf, but this latter is actually endorsed by Arenanet.
    • UPDATE: A video showcasing TacO was tweeted out by ArenaNet during the 2017 Super Adventure Box:
    • UPDATE: There has now also been a mention of TacO by one of the ArenaNet developers, stating that he doesn't see anything that would violate the fair use guidelines for the Mumble API.
    • tl;dr - using an overlay like GW2 TacO should not get you banned.
  • Is there a mac version?
    • No. TacO uses the Mumble Link API, which is not currently supported by the mac GW2 client. And even if that was fixed, TacO is built on DirectX, which is not available on mac. Because of this, and the size of the engine that TacO is actually built upon, porting would require significant effort. That would only be possible if I even owned a mac. But I don't.
  • My antivirus program is reporting TacO as malware!
    • This happens after every release to some people. It's due to two things: antivirus programs work with heuristics that can trigger on anything web related or something that creates a transparent window (like TacO) or anything that's unusual. The second is that unknown executables are treated with more skepticism by antivirus software.
      If you encounter this, please send TacO in to your antivirus company so they can thoroughly test it manually and put it on a white list. All antivirus software should have an option to send in files to be checked.
  • Does TacO support multiboxing?
    • Yes, since build 43. Launchbuddy has native support for TacO to help set it up.
  • Is this opensource?
    • Not at this time, no.
  • Why? Your development would be so much faster / I don't trust any non opensource homebrew software.
    • Why: Because the UI engine behind this overlay is something I've been working on for a couple years now, I use it in several other projects and it's not something that I want to opensource right now.
    • Developmend speed: Since I use a codebase completely written from the bottom up by me (I don't even use stl, and I supply my own functions for everything instead), anyone attempting to pitch in would have a LOT of catching up to do. This is a hobby project for me, released only because I think others can benefit from it. I'd like to avoid any sort of management tasks related to the overlay, which tend to pop up in any team effort.
    • Security: The debug information is in the archive (because I'm lazy and having that in there means any crash logs will have convenient line and file information), so it should be pretty easy for anyone that would understand the actual source code to take the overlay apart and see that it doesn't do anything malicious. If you're still not satisfied and you're a member of the opensource security zealot army, please let's just go our separate ways and stop wasting each other's time. If you don't trust it, don't use it.
    • A note: I did release some of the source code for the original tech demo after a lengthy debate on reddit, as an experiment. I didn't include the UI engine, but all of the technology used by the overlay (in regards to GW2) is in there. If you're wondering whether I'm accessing the client in any non EULA-friendly way, you can have a look at the released source code here.
  • I can see all the categories for the resource nodes and they are all ticked to be shown, but no nodes I saw were marked. What gives? Is TacO not working?
    • TacO in itself is mostly a tool for marking stuff in the game world. The marker packs that come with it were either created by me or donated by helpful players, and were the result of painful amounts of work in some cases (think the guild bounties). Creating and updating a marker pack containing all the possible spawn locations of all the nodes on all the maps is a HUGE undertaking, one that no one has been able to finish yet, and so TacO does not come with such a database. There are efforts under way to do this, we'll see how they go. The marker categories are there so you can mark stuff for yourself as you encounter nodes, so you can slowly build up your own database.


  1. I can see the TacO icon and/or the Map Timer, but the rest of the screen is black and I can't play.
    This can happen if you have the transparency effects turned off in Windows 7, probably because you're using the classic theme for Windows. Turning on Aero should fix the problem.

    If you get this on Windows 8 or above on any TacO version above 008.513r please send me a dxdiag log so I can narrow down the problem.

    I have this problem, but i'm on windows 10, any solution yet ?

  2. How can I disable the "BigMarker" icon that I think appears near the start of things? There's one near the start of Super Adventure Box in Rata Sum, and it's really annoying.

    1. If it's a big yellow diamond shape, that's the default icon that's placed if you press +
      If you accidentally placed one, you can remove it by standing on it and pressing -

  3. Hello,
    first thank you for this great tool.
    I would like to signal a minor bug. the international US setting for keyboard do not work properly with gw2 when TACO is on, some key like 'or ` do not respond or act weird. i am french with a qwerty keyboard instead of an azerty so i use thoses keys to make accents and apostrophes (like '+e=é or l+'+space=l').
    Like i said it is not a big bug but it is still annoying because i have to close the overlay everytime i need to use the black lion or type something specific. could there be a way to fix this?
    Have a nice day.

    1. Same bug here with an azerty layout when I try to combine "^" and "e" to do "ê" it either print "^^e" or just "e"

      It works fine when I stop gw2taco

    2. it would be nice to have an option to turn the keyboard handling off, I don't think I'm using it, so if it's causing this bug...

  4. Which build can i use in Windows XP x64?

    1. None. TacO uses DirectX 11 which is not available on Windows XP.

  5. First of all, thank you for this, it's a really nice project that i think deserves attention and support (the range display is pure genius!).
    Now, for some reason the markers keybinds don't seem to work and i wasn't able to change them either, except it would only accept Escape and Enter inputs when trying to edit the default keys (which i don't really want to bind obviously). Any possible explaination for this? Running on Windows 7 64 bit, both game and overlay in admin mode.

    1. Nevermind, i kinda managed to make it work: if i alt-tab to gw2taco i can add-remove-edit markers now, is that how it's supposed to work?

    2. No, that's odd. It probably has to do with the keyboard handling issues that I still didn't have time to look into.

    3. I'm having this problem too. ESC, Enter, Enter (numpad), and Backspace only work for binding or work at all in GW2TaCo. I'm not able to alt-tab into GW2TaCo since it doesn't show up as a window that can be tabbed in to.

      Windows 7 64 bit as well. Really frustrating, please try and fix it :)

  6. Hey BoyC, Need some help here. Recently I downloaded your overlay and installed it onto my desktop. After following your instructions I am still having issues with it. It turns my screen black and condenses all the bars icons etc to the upper left corner of my screen. Ive tried both windowed modes and checked (and updated drivers)Nvidia anti aliasing settings to ensure no issues there as well. Can we set up a time to teamspeak and troubleshoot whatthe issue is by chance? Let me know please!

    1. Well... its been 15 days and no reply... since you have no interest in helping me resolve my issue, I guess I will just move on.... found a better overlay anyways its with the gw2 timer folks, its called GW2 Navi and its at

    2. Sorry you feel that way. I told you twice ingame to send me an email, which never happened. These comments are hard to keep track off, and my free time to work on TacO is limited, this being a hobby project and all. Have fun with the other overlay.

    3. So you don't get email notifications of posts sent to you on your website? I did not send the email because I figured speaking to you on your trouble shooting page would be sufficient. Also I don't like giving my email out to everyone as well. I figured that since you replied to others on this post area, that I would be able to talk to you here.
      Yes I'm sorry it didn't go well either. I kept anticipating its use, and seeing you post replies to everyone else, so I just went elsewhere.

    4. I do get mails from here. It's a single messy stream of random that's not fit for any debugging communication. I already spent weeks on the 'black screen' bug and have listed all known causes on this page. This is not the proper forum to handle a possibly 10-20 hour debugging session.

    5. I have no idea if you still play or if you fixed your problem, but I wanted to tell you that I had the same problem and I was able to fix it. So if anyone else sees this I hope this works for you. I have GW2 downloaded onto a different drive than my main one. I simply moved GW2 Taco folder over to the same drive/folder as GW2 and ran Taco as admin. Now I have the sweet Taco icon next to the PvP icon! Hope this helps.

  7. Looks like GW2Taco is broken with the latest GW2 release

    1. Could you elaborate on that? Works just fine for me.

    2. What info do you require from me?

    3. A description on HOW it is "broken" would be a start :P

    4. Taco randomly freezes somethimes after 2min. or if i tab out.

    5. Hey BoyC, I think we have our wires crossed... I think I accidently posted in his post, mines the one above it. I'm still trying to get it running in the first place. can you please contact me so we can work this out?

  8. The Marker editor opens and then disappears straight away. Any solution to this? My tactical display is toggled on.

    1. The marker editor is set to auto hide when you're not standing on a marker. To set the default values just place a temporary marker or walk to an existing one.

    2. Markers wont place either. Also the marker editor only opens when my tactical display is set to off. Then when I turn it on, it disappears and still no markers.

    3. ^^^^^ Oops sorry that was still me, just forgot to add the name

  9. Okay I have it working, you were correct, I figured it out. Thank you!

    1. Lol I am horrible at using this site, you can clean up my mess if you wish xD

  10. I really like the concept of your add on, and the tactical display has some great benefits.... BUT you cannot turn off some of the parts of it. specifically the markers that are extremely obnoxious in Lions arch.Seriously can we get a way to turn these off? I only want the raid markers, not the random markers all over lion's arch and toggling the whole tactical display on/off to get rid of them every time is kind of annoying

    1. The same markers are also present on some maps for IDK what reason but even with EVERY single tactical display sub choice toggled off they still appear..... They are the stupid orange diamonds with a lighter bottom half, why are they there?

    2. The diamond shaped markers are default markers that you must have placed by pressing +. You can rebind the + key to somewhere else. To delete all markers you might have placed simply delete the poidata.xml.

    3. thank you, i guess ill set it to a key i will never use again. Definitely fixes with my issue with it, would be a cool to get a option to turn them off though, like all the other tactical markers.

  11. Hey guys, i'm using an pc with windows 10 (with two screens), NVIDIA GTX 650. Every time i try to run Tacos it freezes at about 2 min. I've tryed to updade my GTX, direct and tacos, but the problem persists. Is there something that i could do to fix it? Thank you very much, have a nice day !

    1. I'm looking into that issue as we speak.

  12. Its a great overlay; thank you for making it.
    I encountered one problem: i cant type accents anymore when i am using taco. They dont appear or you get something like 'a.

    1. It's an issue with the way I handle keyboard stuff. I'm actively looking for a better way of doing so and the next build might get better in this regard already. How do you write accented letters? Do you need to press alt to write them?
      Also, did earlier builds also cause this issue?

  13. How do i disable the karma icons on the screen, they are annoying and they keep blinking.

    1. Uncheck the festival icons in the TacO menu.

  14. Im having the Win10 black screen issue as well. I can only see the taco icon and the event map overlay. How do I contact ya and send the DxDiag file?

    1. Ok, so basically I had to change the settings for my Nvidia graphics card to include "off" for multiple settings, including FXAA, Gamma correction...etc. Also, I changed the Antialiasing (Transparency) to its highest option. My game crashed and I had to reboot b/c even taskmgr was broke. Then, when I opened my game I basically turned everything off there. Now the overlay looks normal as someone demonstrated in a Youtube video.

  15. https://virustotal.com/hu/file/0665bd4b402a42a2377811d84f32538971e18f949e2b42375622d8bb077ca18f/analysis/1482582379/

    Trojan Inject...?! GG

    1. It's an old message, but I'm still going to answer it.

      What has been found "W32. eHeur. Malware08" is already found with only one of the antivirus software (Bkav, not at all one of the most representative antivirus software).

      You may not know it, but it is a so-called "Heuristic"alert, as the "Heur"shows, i. e. the antivirus has not detected a virus signature or anything else, but the program activity exceeds the criteria chosen in heuristic analysis.

      In this case, the alert presupposes a malware and this is probably due to the fact that the executable of TacO is not signed, is provided in ZIP and that this one has in its code a call to a third party program (Gw2. exe or Gw2-64. exe) or just the connections to the API (Anet) that this antivirus does not recognize.

      Often heuristic alerts are false positives, it is often well indicated that depending on the analysis criterion, there can be full alert, this can happen simply if one program interacts with another, or connects to the net.

      For the general public, heuristics is more a source of concern than anything else, it's especially there to inform them that a program doesn't only run with itself and allows the user to check, and to say ah well not normal (like a small game that is not supposed to connect) but there, you can quite easily decipher the program (with the appropriate tools, or by comparing with others...).

      As a personal matter, I have deconstructed, the source code provided (demo version) and the code of the last TacO with decompilation tools and there is absolutely nothing abnormal, everything is really clean and moreover quite well coded, I take the opportunity to say, there is no abuse of memory or other.

      In short, there is nothing to worry about.

      PS: A lot of antivirus programs tend to consider as "trojan" or "malware" software that interacts with video games and because of that, it's quite common with pirated games that there are things built in. so heuristically it tends to consider abnormal that a program is trying to call a game executable.

    2. Thanks for the in-depth answer. In my work in the Demoscene I encountered this problem several times (due to compressed executables), and dove in-depth into it. Just want to point out that no, signing such an executable wouldn't help at all in a world where even malware is signed. Signing is just used to trace back to the creator, but antivirus sw won't automatically whitelist everything done by a one-man unknown indie developer who they never heard of.
      This is also the main reason I refuse to put in an auto-update mechanic. Antivirus sw goes ape-shit about that kind of code.

  16. You are only using GW2 API informations and no memory informations ?

    1. Yes. That's one of the core principles behind TacO.

  17. other way: where are from the informations that you use? important is that you dont use informations from gw2 memory storage!

    1. All real-time information comes from the client through the official Mumble Link API built into the GW2 client. The locations of the markers have been stored by users of TacO (by storing data TacO gets through the Mumble Link) and are supplied in data files with the overlay. So the realtime camera data and character position are gathered through an official API, the marker locations and marker icons are user generated data. TacO doesn't touch any part of the GW2 client memory, not even the screen buffer. TacO doesn't touch the GW2 data file, not even to fetch icons. TacO doesn't track GW2 communications in orther to gather information. TacO doesn't hook into the directx dlls to display the overlay (as a result of this it's not available in fullscreen mode).
      What TacO does is to ask Windows where the window called "Guild Wars 2" is, asks the GW2 client through the official Mumble Link API where the camera and player are in the game world, and then draws a transparent window above the GW2 window with 3D markers.

    2. imean:EULA §8i:
      "(i) Use, obtain or provide data related to operation of the Game, including but not limited to:

      (i)software that reads areas of computer memory or storage devices related to the Game;

      (ii)software that intercepts or otherwise collects data from or through the Game;

      (iii)software that redirects communications from any Game or Service; or

      (iv)software not provided by ArenaNet which creates or maintains any communication to the Game or Service, including but not limited to any software that emulates the Game or any part thereof as well as any server that emulates the Service or any part thereof;"

    3. TacO does none of that.

  18. Hi, i have a resoloution of 3840x2160 on my screen and when i tag the raidbosses the hp lines are basicly on the breakbar or under, and there is no smaller interface, is that something that will be fixed or am i doing something wrong?

    1. You need to disable display scaling on high DPI settings in windows, you can do it for TacO if you create a shortcut for it.

    2. i'm sry for my, i'm not the brightest computer guy, could u try explain how :)?

    3. Create a shortcut for TacO in windows. Once it's done and working, right click on it, select properties, go to the compatibility tab in the new window and check "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings".

    4. "in windows"? Does that mean just to create a shortcut anywhere? I tried creating a shortcut for taco in my desktop and disable scaling on high dpi settings on that shortcut, but that didnt work. Should i edit the original, or did i get this "creat a shortcut in windows" wrong?

    5. Uh. You know what, it might actually be less of a headache for me to look into making TacO dpi aware than trying to debug this over the comments. I'll look into it. If I can make it work, expect a new build tonight.

    6. I'm sry, it did work, thx for that :D! I'm wondering though if it works to make gw2 look bigger with skills and such and still have highres? i'm running "larger" interface atm (still too small), but disabeling stuff in gw2 shortcut worked no magic for me.

    7. That's because gw2 is already dpi aware. The next build of TacO will be as well (fix is done), but if you have it already working I won't rush out a new build just for this.

  19. Hello,

    I was using GW2Taco while at Sabetha tonight and I noticed that the timers it displays for cannons when they spawn were off by 10 seconds. Not sure if this is anything on my end or not...

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hey,

    I'm having an issue where if i turn the overlay on it makes everything on my computer basically framelimited to 30 fps

  22. Hi I am having an issue where all custom packs are showing as bigmarker.png with a select few at seemingly random working correctly. I also cant disable the big markers without closing the program.

    1. Same for me, tried a custom pack for SAB, tried a few things like moving markers to both DATA folders (main one and the one inside POI). Any idea?

  23. I have an issue when I am alt-tabbing. Whenever I alt-tab back to GW2, taco is not appearing on top. It's still running, I can see the icons on desktop when I change to window mode (kinda like turning into "underlay" instead of overlay).

    I have to fully restart my game to make it normal. Even that is a temporary fix, it will break again once I alt-tab. Is there any other solution for this?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hi, first of all thank you for creating this overlay! I'm mainly using this for Silverwastes chest farm, I installed it according to the quick start guide, everything looks great, taco icon aligned checked, clickable checked, could mess with menu checked, but when I went to Silverwastes, I can't seem to find any markers for any chest, what am I doing wrong? And when I try to add a custom marker on a dirt mount a found for a chest, nothing happens on the screen. Please help! Thanks!

    1. I derped it! I didn't get the LATEST version...I just went from the page on this website detailing the addition of Silverwaste chest to the overlay instead of downloading from the right per the instruction :P My bad! Excellent addon, thank you again for your time and effort!

  26. Hi, first of all thank you for creating this overlay! I'm mainly using this for Silverwastes chest farm, I installed it according to the quick start guide, everything looks great, taco icon aligned checked, clickable checked, could mess with menu checked, but when I went to Silverwastes, I can't seem to find any markers for any chest, what am I doing wrong? And when I try to add a custom marker on a dirt mount a found for a chest, nothing happens on the screen. Oh and overlay is turned on, I checked! Please help! Thanks!

    1. I derped it! I didn't get the LATEST version...I just went from the page on this website detailing the addition of Silverwaste chest to the overlay instead of downloading from the right per the instruction :P My bad! Excellent addon, thank you again for your time and effort!

  27. Hi. Thanks for great tool!
    Is there any way to disable zoom for markers when you approach to them?

  28. Hi, is there a way to change the text timers that appear during raids? For example, instead of it saying 'SOUTH CANNON in 15' I would like it to say 'ARROW CANNON in 15' relating to my markers. Is it just a matter of rewording it in the locationaltimers.xml?

    1. Yeah just change the text and that's it. It's all data-driven.

    2. I tried and when I edit the text and save the file out again it stops displaying any timers. Is there something else I need to do, or something special I need to open or save it with or something? I tried editing it with notepad, and an xml editor

    3. Edit the text when TacO is not running and when you saved it, launch TacO.

    4. I had TacO closed but I got it to work now, I closed the game as well and after relaunching the game and TacO it was fine. Thanks for the help :)

  29. "Accented characters I type aren't working in GW2 when TacO is running. | If this is bothering you to the point of not wanting to use the overlay I can put in an option to turn the keyboard handling off temporarily"

    Yes please, this is really getting in my way of typing a lot, I am usually very active in guild chat and in whispers, so typing without apostrophes for example can really mess with my messages :)

    Thanks in advance!

  30. When using the overlay everything on screen is black except the overlays themselves. Even the launcher for the game can't be seen if I start the program before GW2. Any fixes?

    1. If the solutions under the common problems part of this article aren't working, then no, currently I don't know the source of the issue.

    2. Thank you for the quick response. Indeed turning on an Aero theme solved the issue. However, I did not see the details in the FAQ at the time of the question. Guess I did not look well enough. Regardless, if, in the future, somehow you will be able to make it work without Aero, it would be a tremendous help. Due to the fact that I am running the game on a 2010 laptop, I do not use aero as I want as much performance as possible squeezed. Between the program itself, TACO and aero I barely get 12-13 constant FPS. Without aero it jumps me at around 20. All of this said just for the sake of the information and future optimization IF there is a demand. Thank you again and keep up the good work! Cheers!

  31. Hi there. i really like your software but sadly it's having some interference with the MSI Afterburner/Rivatuner OSD. I could imagine this being just in the nature of it but if you can fix that, it would be awesome. this is how it looks: http://imgur.com/a/284OI

    1. That's a known issue with DPI scaling in newer Windows systems that should be fixed with the next build. In fact I wrote the code to fix that today :) (Or you just didn't set the interface size in the TacO menu to correspond to what your in-game setting is, something that should also be automatically done with the next release, I'm waiting for an API update in the GW2 client that will allow TacO to do this)
      A temporary fix for the DPI stuff would be to make sure your Windows scaling is at 100% and not above.

    2. Scaling in Win10 is at 100%, all visual effects are on and i now tried setting tacos interface size to the same as i had in game (small) but that didn't change anything sadly. the interface size settings don't change anything about the Afterburner OSD. If i turn taco off or switch to exclusive fullscreen, the OSD goes back to normal. the issue also persists if i switch the OSB to vector 2D or raster 3D rendering

    3. OSD, not OSB ^^

      also: i wouldn't want to have taco set to small. that makes taco almost unreadable on my monitor. i've got the game UI on small and TacO on large to achieve about the same font size

    4. Oh, I see now what's happening: since TacO is also a directx application, your OSD also renders onto that window. If there's any way to exclude TacO from your other overlay, that should fix your problem.

    5. yes! that fixed it ^^
      if you want to add that to the FAQ you can tell people to:
      -open Rivatuner
      -click the big plus (+) icon
      -navigate to where GW2TacO.exe is located and select it
      -set application detection level to "none"

  32. Hi! I saw WP's video on your tool and thought I'd try it out but I can't find the TacO icon in the upper left. It is not overlapping with any of the other icons. I AM in windowed fullscreen mode. The only thing I can see is a bunch of dots on the far right of my screen above the minimap, which are also visible when I am tabbed out of GW2.

    1. Wow, that's a new one. I suspect it might have to do with some DPI scaling issues we had recently that will be fixed in the next build. The markers you see are partially for the JP in the bottom right of LA, if you could go through it and look for changes in the pattern it might help determine what's wrong.

    2. (This time the dots were slightly farther up on the screen)
      Going through the JP occasionally a lighter marker would move to the middle of the rectangle where the dots seem to be limited to. I would agree with your assumption of it being a scaling error.

      I tried setting my game to fullscreen mode and switching back to see if that helped anything, but it still looked the same. While in fullscreen mode, if I alt-tabbed there would be a split second where the dots seemed to be properly scaled on a black screen, then they went back to their rectangle (still visible outside of the game).

    3. Would you by chance have any other window open that's titled Guild Wars 2? Maybe an explorer window or something open in the gw2 folder? That might confuse the overlay easily.

    4. As far as I can tell, there are no other windows titled Guild Wars 2.

    5. That whole thing is just odd. There is no sign of the TacO menu icon either, but stuff is obviously being drawn.
      Do you have a multi-monitor system or some odd resolution or something? Maybe a dxdiag would help with some info.

    6. I'm on a laptop, so only one monitor, resolution is 1920x1080. As for the DxDiag text file, how should I send that to you?

    7. Here: https://gist.github.com/OrigamiPie/77b77f101f6e1b1b29aae1c4f2c8d934

    8. Hm. Well the system DPI is 125%, that shouldn't show this high amount of artifacts, but you might want to try it at 100% (this is something the next build will fix btw)
      Long shot, but it might also be that for some reason TacO isn't running on the nvidia gpu, but why that'd cause a problem, I'm just guessing.
      Other than this, I don't know. I guess I'll need to put in a debug function to the overlay to be able to have a look at this and other issues.

    9. Tried switching it to run on the GPU, no change. Changed DPI scaling to 100%, no change. Switched TacO back to Cpu with dpi now at 100%, no change. :/

    10. In this case I'll create a debugger functionality when I have some time to look into this. But not tonight, it's almost 1 am here and I have work tomorrow :)

    11. The latest version seems to have not changed the issue

    12. I finally figured it out. I use a launch tool for my games and TacO was mapping to the button on that menu

    13. Ha :D Nice one :D
      This actually is the first good reason to upgrade the way TacO finds the GW2 window. I'll look into it.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You have something bound to your '+' key, you can rebind it in the TacO menu so it doesn't place markers :) You can remove already placed such markers by standing on them and pressing '-'

  34. On the most recent build (as of july 13th 2017), on a default install, no markers are showing up other than the ones in the Silverwastes for chests above and underground.

    All markers are enabled. Gw2 is fullscreen windowed, and I'm not sure what else I can do to fix this.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I downloaded the most recent build and run in fullscreen windowed. When I tried the compass and range markers the center was off-set to the bottom right corner between the end of my skill bar and my mini-map. This makes the range markers useless for me. Also when I look up the compass disappears entirely off screen (shifts downward out of view). Not sure what would fix this.

    1. Possibly the next build will if it's a DPI scaling issue. Expect it during the weekend, I'm still working on stuff.

    2. Thank you very much for all your hard work. I really appreciate it!

  37. Hello. Downloaded it today and it worked fine for a few hours. Then when I started getting ready for raids the icons jumped from GW2 to my second monitor. Restarting it doesn't work but restarting the game does. Within a matter of minutes the icons move again to the second monitor. I'm not sure what's causing it.

  38. Downloaded, installed and rebooted only to find out the .exe crashes each and every time I open it.

    I am running Win 10 - so if there's anything I need to do to get it to work, let me know, please.


    1. If it crashes, a crash.log should have been generated next to the executable. Send that to boyc [at] scene [dot] hu along with any other .log files that have been generated and I'll take a look.

  39. I noticed some of the markers in silverwastes for chests are missing. Is there a way I could place markers in the missed spots?

    1. There's a guide on how to create your own marker packs (http://gw2taco.blogspot.hu/2016/01/how-to-create-your-own-marker-pack.html), that explains how you can place your own markers. If you find some unmarked chest locations, I'd be grateful if you sent over an updated pack.

  40. I have a Gsync monitor, and TACO disables G-SYNC :( I think its because the monitor thinks i'm running a still image (taco) instead of the game. I can't use it as playing without g sync is so annoying :(

    1. TacO isn't rendering a still image, but it does use the same techniques that a game engine does to render. I'm not closely familiar with G-Sync, but does it support two hw accelerated applications running at once?

  41. Hello,

    try to use TacO but i see nothing. No Icon, no markers. Tried a lot read the comments, but didnt understand why. Taco.exe runs with gw2 over nvidia gpu, use windowed Fullscreen, also tried windowed. Task manager say Taco runs but nearly no cpu usage. Dont know the problem, pls help. Use win1o . Thx Pug

  42. Hey BoyC Thanks a lot for your work on this awesome tool, bro I'd like some help with and issue in-game, TacO runs, but I can't see the resource nodes while Im playing :/

  43. Hi BoyC, GW2TacO is pretty Great! one request though, I'm on a European Server(Whiteside Ridge) and your world boss timers are about an hour out of sync with when they actually happen for me. (actually the only Timers I've found that actually are accurate are the ones found at guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer) is there any chance of getting an option to adjust the timers included in GW2TacO?

    1. same with me, I'm on EU server. AB event timer is late on tacO

  44. Is there no way to get TacO to work on Windows 7 with the classic theme? I can't stand aero.

  45. I am experiencing an issue with TacO recently, the WvW objective markers aren't showing color of the server in control. All the markers are just white for me.

  46. I'm trying out your tool after seeing it on WP. Unfortunately, it crashes as soon as I try to run the .exe. I'm running in windowed full screen. I don't see a crash.log in the directory. any thoughts on how to trouble shoot this? thanks!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Well, I got the black screen bug, except bigger; the TacO window and GW2, which I then can't even log in to.

    Turned on aero, no change, turned off nVidia FXAA for GW2TACO.EXE. This made GW2 work fine, but there's no TacO to be seen, it was disabled. I suppose I'll DL an nVidia driver update but I don't expect any change.

  49. Hi Taco,

    All of a sudden, the overlay does not want to appear on top of my windowed fullscreen.

    Can you debug?

  50. Hello,

    I just got a new PC and TaCO is giving me the black screen problem (windows 10 pro w/ creator's update). I made a dxdiag file but I can't find any contact info on who to send it to. Can you help me out?

    1. Just paste it to pastebin and link it here. Currently I'm unable to work on TacO though so it might take me a while to have a look at it.

    2. https://pastebin.com/UuHXBdyH

  51. It crashes on exit, even if I close it from Taco menu.
    The crash dialog has only this (no detailed logs anywhere I could see):

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: GW2TacO.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 596bc86b
    Fault Module Name: GW2TacO.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 596bc86b
    Exception Code: 40000015
    Exception Offset: 000a7724
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1058
    Additional Information 1: e803
    Additional Information 2: e803a9d89c699e8130754d65be4832dc
    Additional Information 3: baa6
    Additional Information 4: baa64bb9e8f517d8151cc5686b6b3503

  52. Do you have any sort of DPI scaling turned on in windows? (It's on by default on larger screens)

  53. https://support.corel.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001485408-Display-Options-How-to-change-DPI-Scaling-Level-for-displays-in-Windows-10-
    The settings window version should do the trick. Try it at 100%.

  54. Hey, this is a really fantastic little gadget!

    I had a couple of small problems. The first is that the only markers that show up are the jumping puzzle ones. I downloaded a resource pack (and extracted it to the TACO directory) but none are appearing. All tactical overlay options are enabled.

    The other one is I have the action key for GW2 set to Mouse-4. I don't see a way to set that for TACO. The gui doesn't seem to allow mouse buttons and I wasn't able to find a keybind config file to edit.

    1. I download the resource nodes from http://xenotaco.wixsite.com/xenotaco.

      However, other markers that come with the program do not want to show up, aside from jumping puzzles, which work flawlessly :)

    2. You need to place marker packs into the POIs folder. (The xml files need to be in there and the rest of their stuff needs to be relative to that)
      And yes, you're right, there's currently no way of binding taco keypresses to mouse events.

  55. Hello, when I click to "GUILD WARS 2 API KEYS" my game is minimized, and I can't put it, I have updated to the latest version and nothing , help please ^^

    1. -Build 030.1512r: The TacO icon is over the PvP ico, the option for interface size anywhere on TacO, and when clicks to "GUILD WARS 2 API KEYS" my game is minimized.
      -Build 029.1420r: This time have the interface size but don't have the option for gw2 api keys.

    2. Same issue with r30. No Interface Size setting at all.

    3. It’s because the gw2 client became dpi aware a couple updates back. A fix is already in the pipeline, but real life is taking over.

  56. Hello, Thanks for the TACO tool it's so useful !

    I have a question: is it possible to edit massively (directly in the files) all the enable/disable checkbox for the markers ?
    I use updated version from LBM (French) but they didn't checked all the markers and it's a pain to enable them one by one in the menu..

    Thanks again :-)

  57. Hi, I wanted to test the tool but it crashes at startup. In the crash.log only stands:

    Crash occurred at: 2017-11-25 15:07:40
    Build version: GW2 TacO 030.1512r
    Exception Type: c0000005
    e:\!code\workshop\gw2overlay\gw2tactical.cpp (76)
    e:\!code\workshop\gw2overlay\gw2tactical.cpp (1263)
    e:\!code\workshop\gw2overlay\gw2tactical.cpp (806)
    e:\!code\workshop\gw2overlay\gw2tactical.cpp (868)
    e:\!code\workshop\gw2overlay\gw2tactical.cpp (891)
    e:\!code\workshop\gw2overlay\gw2pois.cpp (562)
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\crt0.c (251)
    Unresolved address: 771A8744
    Unresolved address: 7761582D
    Unresolved address: 776157FD

    can someone help me?

    1. Looks like the ui skin for TacO failed to load. Did you extract everything correctly?

    2. everything was properly unpacked
      now I have downloaded and unpacked it again and now it works
      Thank you

  58. Hey,
    since I've loaded the newest build of TacO, i can't see the timers at Sabetha anymore, do i have to change anything in the settings or isn't it working atm? I've tried anything in the settings that seems useful to me.

    1. Does noone has an idea or solution? :/

  59. Hello ! Whenever I try to open Aero my graphics card crashes.Is there any way that I can use the addon without enabling the Aero?
    Thank you,keep up the good work o7

    1. Nope, sorry. Aero enables the transparency that makes GW2 visible behind TacO.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Is it possible to launch gw2taco once (on windows startup) and let it "listen" for game so I won't have to launch it every time I enter the game?

    1. Yeah just turn off the exit taco when gw2 exits option.

  61. is it possible to enable/disable timers for world bosses and ley-line anomalies seperatly? if i do so in configuration it works until i close map timer window or gw2taco, after that either both are active or none. (using v031.)

    1. You found a bug in maptimer.xml. Go into the file and change the id attribute of the "Ley-Line Anomalies" to something else than "wb". I fixed it on my end, will be out with the next build.

    2. nice, works now. big thx for the good and fast help and great work btw.

  62. Thanks for TacO, it is really useful. I have one problem and one wish for TacO.

    Clicking in menu doesn't work for me. I have no problem with clicking on TacO icon or hovering through menu tree, but when I click on anything nothing happens. Doesn't matter if I try with admin privileges or not. Strange is that clicking on exit works without any problem always.

    One wishlist: please enable clicking on things without closing the menu. I remember, that somewhere at start clicking worked. But it is really unpleasant to i.e. unclick 5 markers because you need to enter tree again and again.

    1. Define clicking on "anything". Does the mouse highlight turn on or off?
      Also, the latest build already fixed your issue of not closing the marker category window on clicking it.

    2. Navigating through menu is working but I'm simply not able to switch any option. If I'm lucky enough than multiple clicks on various parts of menu item switch it, but most time I'm not able to.

      Navigating is working so I can move from one level to another, every item is highlighted when I hover over it. Problem is that nothing happens when I click.

      I tried couple time with clear profile, deleted whole taco and unpack again but nothing helps.

      In some cases when I click, whole menu becomes little more transparent but still it doesn't help with toggle functionality. Only part of menu which is working every time without any problem is "exit"

    3. I honestly have no idea what's going on there.

    4. I uninstalled TacO many times because of this but always I wanted to try again what can be the problem. And after many hours of experiments I finally found it by accident.

      Problem completely on my side :/ I'm using AHK script which is modifying left click (to be able to use alt+left click etc). Just quitting AHK script, set whatever I need in TacO and starting AHK again is enough.

      Just writing this in case somebody have similar problem.

  63. Hey :)

    any tip how to solve the problem with mouse cursor jumping towards edge of gw2 window when turning camera with right mouse cursor while taco is active? Thanks :)

  64. Hi

    The overlay runs in the background but the icon won't show in-game. I am running the game in fullscreen windowed mode.

  65. this not initialize in windows 10

    1. Let me guess, google translate? :D

    2. nao... brasileiro com ingles muito ruim shausahuah.

      Any ideas for my problem? when I click to initialize the error. and nothing appears
      i use windows 10. 64 bits

    3. Uhm sorry I still can't decode what you're trying to say. Is there an error? What does the log file say?

    4. [2018-04-24 17:14:27] (Info) [GW2TacO] build ID: GW2 TacO 034.1866r
      [2018-04-24 17:14:28] (Info) [core] DirectX11 Device initialization successful.
      [2018-04-24 17:14:28] (Err) [core] VertexShader Creation error (Parâmetro incorreto.)
      [2018-04-24 17:14:28] (Warn) [gui] Couldn't compile GUI VertexShader

    5. What kind of videocard do you have? TacO requires a GPU that's DirectX 11 (shader model 4) compatible.

    6. Display Devices
      Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT/GTO
      Manufacturer: NVIDIA
      Chip type: GeForce 7900 GT/GTO
      DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
      Device Type: Full Device
      Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0291&SUBSYS_40001682&REV_A1
      Device Problem Code: No Problem
      Driver Problem Code: Unknown
      Display Memory: 2280 MB
      Dedicated Memory: 248 MB
      Shared Memory: 2031 MB
      Current Mode: 1280 x 800 (32 bit) (60Hz)
      HDR Support: Not Supported
      Display Topology: Internal
      Display Color Space: DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709
      Color Primaries: Red(0.000500,0.000500), Green(0.000500,0.000500), Blue(0.000500,0.000500), White Point(0.000500,0.000500)
      Display Luminance: Min Luminance = 0.000000, Max Luminance = 0.000000, MaxFullFrameLuminance = 0.000000
      Monitor Name: Generic Non-PnP Monitor
      Monitor Model: unknown
      Monitor Id:
      Native Mode: unknown
      Output Type: HD15
      Monitor Advanced Color Capabilities: None
      Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll
      Driver File Version: 9.18.0013.0908 (English)
      Driver Version:
      DDI Version: 9Ex
      Feature Levels: 9_3,9_2,9_1
      Driver Model: WDDM 1.0
      Graphics Preemption: DMA
      Compute Preemption: DMA
      Miracast: Not Supported
      Hybrid Graphics GPU: Not Applicable
      Power P-states: Not Applicable
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail
      Driver Date/Size: 29/01/2015 21:00:00, 18320440 bytes
      WHQL Logo'd: n/a
      WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
      Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-41D1-11CF-BE76-0D601CC2C435}
      Vendor ID: 0x10DE
      Device ID: 0x0291
      SubSys ID: 0x40001682
      Revision ID: 0x00A1
      Driver Strong Name: oem3.inf:0f066de335ab0f53:Section002:\ven_10de&dev_0291
      Rank Of Driver: 00E02001
      Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_B ModeWMV9_B ModeVC1_A ModeWMV9_A

    7. Yep. Sorry, but your videocard only supports DirectX9 and won’t be able to run TacO.

  66. it seems that the mumble link api used to get positional data doesn't work well if you happen to have multiple clients open at the same time. Is is possible to work around this? I sometimes run multiple clients in order to login and get dailies on more than one account, but when I forget to close one and use tac0, it flickers.

    I'm guessing there's no way around this as the data in the mumble api is being filled in by multiple clients at once, and thus when we read it, we get invalid data?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. when Im running TacO I cant click some buttons, for example log out I have to click multiple times or have to wait some time before its responding

  69. https://imgur.com/a/ush3xdU

    How do i fix this?

  70. help
    I cant manage to get TacO to work suddenly. It just doesn't show up ingame and I am not using fullscreen or anything. I run taco as administrator and gw2 normally but that doesn't help. I tried different compatability settings but nothing changed. Once it worked and then not anymore. My graphics drivers are up to date. Please help. No symbols or timers show up and I am starting to get desperate.

  71. Tried to download, unpacked, run in windowed, and not seeing any taco icon. No overlay running either.

  72. ^^ Hi and ty for your awesome work. Excuse-me, i need help.
    I'm a newbie using Tac0. I have changed my pc screen and the screen resolution is changed too (now it's 3840x2160 and before was 1920x1080). I think that causes the overlay appears not in place. It appears moved a bit right and behind. I'm not able to fix that. I deleted Tac0, re-installed and no way.
    I don't know if it's related, but the GWTacO.log says:

    [2018-10-28 21:57:22] (Info) [GW2TacO] build ID: GW2 TacO 034.1866r
    [2018-10-28 21:57:23] (Info) [core] DirectX11 Device initialization successful.
    [2018-10-28 21:57:23] (Info) [gui] Successfully loaded Skin 'UI.wbs'
    [2018-10-28 21:57:23] (Err) [base] OleLoadPicture failed (Unknown error 0x800A01E1)
    [2018-10-28 21:57:23] (Info) [core] Successfully loaded D3DCompile from d3dcompiler_47.dll
    [2018-10-28 21:57:24] (Info) Fetching URL: api.guildwars2.com//v2/wvw/objectives?ids=all
    [2018-10-28 21:57:24] (Err) C:/Users/marien/Utilidades/GW2TacO_034r/test.angel - (0, 0) : Err : Failed to open script file 'C:/Users/marien/Utilidades/GW2TacO_034r/test.angel'
    [2018-10-28 21:57:24] (Err) Please correct the errors in the script and try again.

    [2018-10-28 21:57:24] (Err) The script must have the function 'void tick()'. Please add it and try again.

    Can someone help me with that?
    Thanks you very much.

    1. When you went to 4k the DPI scaling probably kicked in on windows. Either try turning on DPI awareness in the GW2 options or run TacO with the -forcedpiaware command line option and see if any of these help.

    2. ^^ Thanks you for your fast and nice answer. Sadly, i'm not a advanced pc user. :(
      The DPI awareness in GW2 is on, and i don't know how to run Tac0 with the -forcedpiaware command line option (i don't know either what's that command line and where do i enter that). Can you guide me, please?

    3. ^^ Hi again! I have entered into the properties of the program (in windows) and I have asked him to ignore the DPI awareness and now I do get the marks in his place ... but the TacO icon appears behind the Guild icon and not right the pvp icon. How can i fix that?
      TacO is a awesome tool, thanks you for your job and for help.

    4. itryed -forcedpiaware but still got carsh

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. ^^Thanks you very much, Katie H. for your answer. I tried but, sadly, didn't work for me. :( Seems i must choose: or TacO icon "at place", or TacO working ok. I think it's due to forcedpiaware command. However, thanks for your help. See you in game. :)

  75. ^^ Hello again! I have a little problem: If i press "+" appears a mark overlayed, but if i press "-" don't dissapear. Can anyone tell me how to fix that, please? Thanks you.

    1. Do you maybe have the - key remapped in the TacO options? Are you standing on the marker?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ^^ Yes! You was right! Accidentally i have remapped the "-" key and that's why i could delete marks. Fixed it! Thanks you very much for answer and for this awesome tool! :)

  76. Hi, I have a FPS problem when i open up taco, i have 60 fps normally without taco, once i launched taco, my fps dropped to 10 fps. Is this supposed to happen?

    1. No, but since TacO is not injected into the gw2 process it cannot coordinate gpu usage with the client and the two apps can end up fighting over gpu resources I guess if the drivers aren’t on top of things. What kind of gpu do you have?

    2. My gpu is nvdia geforce gtx 1050ti

  77. hi would just like to add a little problem i found and its solution:

    for quite some time i could not click through some popup windows confirmations in the middle of the screen (example change character on disconection pop-up, or change some trait, etc) when TACO was on:

    the problem come from the marker editor windows apparently (even while being toggled off in my case) that make that part of the screen unclickable.

    to fix that:

    -first make sure to toggle off the marker editor once finished with it.
    -else go to "Toggle Edit Mode for Windows" in taco menu and close it or move it away.

    have fun

  78. Hi, I can't get taco markers/trails to stay in place i.e. snapped to the gorund. When I rotate my camera all trails rotate too, making them useless. Doesn't happen 100% of the time but does happen a lot, seems to happen more on hilly terrain. 1070ti and 8700k, 1440p 165hz windowed full screen.

  79. Question, how can i "reset" some markers? like i toggled Hero Points and forgot to remove some with "-" , i'm on 10/11 in VB. What i'd like to do now is just toggled them ALL back on and them back off for the next charater but it seems my only option is to run back to the two i left up and "-" them?

  80. Hi & Thanks for the hard work! I don't know if you still update this or you abandoned the project, but I have a problem I need help with.

    I have gw2pxy dx9 to dx12 api installed, chainloaded with arcdps. If I don't install those, taco works fine for me. But with these, my frame rate (in jahai bluffs for example) drops from 65 to 25 as soon as I run taco, and goes back up when I close it. Through performance monitor, I observed my CPU usage skyrocket when I launch it. Is there a solution for this?

    1. Why would you want to proxy a dx9 optimized application like gw2 to dx12? In and of itself that will not give you any meaningful gains, neither in visuals or performance. The engine and content needs to be built from the ground up to take advantage of dx12 features... Except that the driver will probably go nuts if you're also running a pre dx12 application as well... like you have been experiencing.

    2. the dx12 api is pretty awesome to be honest, it is in alpha yet but still provides tremendous fps increase in most cases. you can check it out here https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy

      Anyhow, I believe there won't be a solution for my case so I guess I just have to live with it.

  81. I love this addon! I have a question, though: Is there any way to re-enable icons that have disappeared naturally by collection? (example: collecting a coin disables the icon on the overlay) Thanks!

  82. crash

  83. I'm currently running Windows 10, and taco is crashing every time I start it. Here's my crash log: https://pastebin.com/2VLSdRft

    Please help!

  84. It crashes every time I start. I hope you could look into it. Here is the crash log (windows10 1809):
    Crash occurred at: 2019-03-29 20:31:25
    Build version: GW2 TacO 034.1866r
    Exception Type: c0000005
    Unresolved address: 76A78021
    Unresolved address: 76A46DEE
    Unresolved address: 76A524DF
    Unresolved address: 76A523AC
    Unresolved address: 76A50E82
    Unresolved address: 74A34729
    Unresolved address: 770628ED
    Unresolved address: 74A16B6C
    e:\!code\workshop\basecode\core2\windowhandler.cpp (261)
    e:\!code\workshop\basecode\whiteboard\application.cpp (417)

    1. Similar issue here. I tried old version back to '028r' and it works. It crashes with versions 029-034 on my pc.

  85. Crash occurred at: 2019-04-07 09:06:06
    Build version: GW2 TacO 034.1866r
    Exception Type: c0000005
    Unresolved address: D2722750
    Unresolved address: 627DD7FF
    Unresolved address: 627BA186
    Unresolved address: 628AA394
    Unresolved address: 628D4E0B
    Unresolved address: 628D6C2D
    Unresolved address: 6282AA14
    Unresolved address: 6282B213
    Unresolved address: 6282B947
    Unresolved address: 6282BC8D
